Wednesday, March 5, 2014


Wow, December is gone, January flew by and I heard March is already well underway...and yet, still nada on my blog. I almost feel overwhelmed trying to keep up with it. But yet, I don't want to just give up. I don't journal, unless you can count the half page I start every 6 months, mainly apologizing about the fact that I haven't journaled, as if any of my posterity will even use paper to read my life...and it's all half in French and half in English, not the journal, but the actual entries!
So to recap my life, I will post the main reason why I don't blog very much here. I do keep Alex's blog up to date, but it seems that his readers have dwindled over time, just like mine. So these excuses are not even needed, who am I apologizing to anyway? (and I cannot spell "apologizing" for the life of me, you'd never know because professor red squiggly is underlying it for me).
My little reason is staring at his fingers right now, his eyes just crossed since they are so close and fascinating, oh, and they taste so good...wait, where did they go?  And I would rather watch this miracle in front of me than find time to blog :)

Here is what Leanna Anderson at urbancountryphoto can do:

This one is for Alex, of course!


Ezra, Kian & Eden said...

I still read your blog. It's a good one. You're a funny lady. And Liam of course is so cute I couldn't stay away if I wanted to. :) I thought you'd stopped Alex's blog...I don't get updates on my reader. I figured you were a busy mama and didn't have time. Maybe it's just some silly technical glitch. And I totally know what you one reads my blog anymore either. Unless I post it to FB---that's where everyone is hanging out anyway. :) Anyway, don't give up on blogging yet. I wouldn't know what to do if I didn't get a smile from reading about your adventures every once in a while.

Erin said...

Liam is adorable!!! Great pictures. Enjoy him, as you well know, they grow up so fast.