Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Life is good

Let's just face it, until we have established regular naps, as well as having my Ukrainian back, this blogging business is just going to be a catch up game. I am deciding right this instant to stop feeling guilty about my lack of documenting our fun eventful life, after all, the fact that there is fun events to remember is already plenty in life.
Nicky has asked me to play soccer for quite a few years.  The problem has always been two things on my part: laziness for one and forgetfulness for the other.  I was too lazy to have him go to practice and games, and I forgot to register him on time year after year.  I realize how much sports take out of the parents, my poor mom and dad, sitting in the rain, watching me play basket-ball, with the high winning scores of 4 to 6, on a fretful early Saturday morning! At least we live in sunny AZ, where the grass is yellow in the winter and they paint the soccer lines in green, while the rest of world's green grass and yellow lines are covered in snow.

 We, of course, make it a family event! Well, at least one game anyway, I don't think I made it to much more this time...but Reed was there and that's important too.
Ah the Gilbert Temple Open House!!! What hasn't been said about that gorgeous new temple of ours? My boys loved the "diamond" chandelier the best.  We toured it a couple of times.  I realized that if Alex isn't back for the Phoenix Temple open house (supposed to be in the fall), I won't have my whole family inside a temple for many many many years!!!

Then there was this monkey, a monkey with a banana baba, some say his eyes are creepy, but that's because they haven't looked deep into the Sam's Club Banana Baba Monkey man, he is full of soft love I tell you, and he needed a home. We adopted him, he is happily living on the floor of Mr. Liam's room.

We like to exercise, it makes for strong bones and keeps your legs sexy.

We haven't figured out how to do the manly push ups quite yet, baby steps, baby steps...

So yes, I like stripes a lot, on me, on him, on anyone that let's me buy clothes for them. I do no plan my outfit to match his, but it just happens sometimes and we look like a perfect pair!

He hates food, the baby, not Reed.  He only like mommy's nam-nams (Reed likes them too), but we're trying. He makes the face of someone that has tasted poop, and a nasty smelly poop ...okay that would imply that some poops don't smell and that I have tasted some, I haven't, I promise, but I know what face I would make if I had!

We made our first trip to Grandma's house and Liam had a bonding moment with his fave Uncle Mark (he only has one Uncle Mark, so I can say that he's his fave Mark Uncle with no fear from the other many uncles - who don't read my blog anyway)

This awesome lady had a very milestonish birthday on March 3rd.  She is my best friend and confidant, she forged me and prepared me to become the person I am today.  She is a great example and I love her more with every year: ma maman.
Cette dame vient d'avoir un gros anniversaire le 3 mars.  Elle est ma meilleure amie et ma confidante, elle m'a formee et preparee a devenir la personne que je suis aujourd'hui. Je l'aime encore plus chaque annee! 
Joyeux Anniversaire Moman

And it is my job to do the same as my mom has, prepare my children to be the best they can.

Live True

A word from our dear prophet about these great youth:

"The past six months have gone by quickly as the work of the Church has moved forward unhindered. It was my privilege just over a month ago to dedicate the Gilbert Arizona Temple, a magnificent structure. The evening before the dedication, a cultural event was held at the nearby Discovery Park. Twelve thousand young people performed a 90-minute program. The dancing, the singing, and the musical performances were outstanding.

This area had been experiencing an especially dry season, and I believe many prayers had been sent heavenward over the preceding several weeks for much-needed rain. Unfortunately, it came just before the performance and stayed for the entire production! Despite the fact that the youth were soaked through with the rain and chilled from the cool temperature, we all felt the Spirit of the Lord. The theme of the program, “Live True to the Faith”—think about that: “Live True to the Faith”—was portrayed magnificently by smiling and enthusiastic young men and young women. Despite the cold and the rain, this was a faith-filled and inspiring experience these young people will ever treasure and will be relating to their children and grandchildren in the years to come.

The following day, the dedication of the Gilbert Arizona Temple took place. It became the 142nd operating temple in the Church. Unlike the evening before, the day was beautiful and filled with sunshine. The sessions were truly inspiring."

My daughters had the chance to participate in something they will never forget: the youth celebration for our new Temple in Gilbert.  We had asked for dry weather, despite the prediction on every weather channels, but we all knew that His will would be done...and it was, and it rained, and rained, and rained. It rained enough to end a drought, it really did.  They were so wet, so soaked and yet, so determined to keep going till the end.  President Eyring said that they will never forget this day, and they won't!  They have been so proud to wear their "Live True" tee-shirt. Those shirts have become an icon of who you are, and other kids are asking why so many wear them at school and where they can get them. Twelve Thousand, 12,000, 12 K, that is a lot of Mormon kids loving their lives, loving their faith, loving their God