Saturday, February 26, 2011

Another one

I did another one, I did the 5K race this time, I'll do another 10K sometimes, not now.  I improved my time and didn't need 3 5"long bandaids afterwards.  This was easier for me.  I enjoyed it and my body did too.  It was for two little girls that were conjoined.  They were supposed to be separated soon, but died during a routine operation last summer.  This was a memorial race in their honor, benefitting another charity...but I'm sure those two little girls were enjoying watching us run from Heaven and had a much better view :)

Friday, February 11, 2011

Blog for Books.

I started Blogging for Books, I receive my first free book to review.  You can go rate my review there, give me a 5 star if you're my best friend :)))) 
So, here we go...
It is called "God gave us the world", by Lisa Taw Bergen and Laura J. Bryant. 
Here is my review:
I received this book for free from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group for review two weeks ago. I first glanced through the book when I received it.  It has a lot of pictures, very colorful and very cute.  What a great choice: who doesn't like a cuddly white bear!  I started reading it to my 2 year old, who sat through the whole book, quite amazingly.  My 5 year old came after a couple of minutes.  We read it again the night after and I think it will be one of our fave.  I liked the fact that it had main focuses that little ones can grasp: God made us different and He gave us the world.  However, I think it would've been better to focus on one of these topics instead of both.  It's a lot to understand for such a young age. He made us different, one book.  He gave us the world, another book.  The other thing that would have been a bit better was the capitalization of the letter H when referring to God, "He", I think it would have been a nice touch. Even if the wee ones cannot read it, the parents can.  I think that the "H" makes it stand out, and makes it clear of who or Who we are referring to.
The pictures were cute, and gave a lot more to discuss with the kids. It's a book that can be read again and again, and has great values, of course.