Wednesday, September 15, 2010

A Brother's Surprise!

My dear Hubby got free VIP tickets to the Jonas Brothers Concert last night. We found out right after the girls left for the school bus, so I couldn't tell them until they got home from school.  Needless to say, Reed was a super hero that day!

I too was overjoyed!  I don't think I knew one song, but it wasn't about me!  I lost 10% of my hearing that night, not from the music, but from the thousand of screeming tweens and pre-teens in love!
Demi, from Camp Rock was the opening act.  We don't have Disney Channel at our house, so again, I acted like I knew all the songs, I fooled everyone!
  They are kinda cute
Okay, he's really cute!
We had VIP tickets, meaning we got to hang out in the VIP lounge and have dinner (hot dogs, so fancy!).  We had our own VIP bathrooms, but that was about the only perks from the lounge.  Behind us in the lounge, we could see the tour busses. Some people were waiting for them after the concert, but you could only see through the cracks of the fence, so we passed!  Elly wasn't feeling well, a little too much for my emotional child and she was tired. We had great seats and a great time...especially when it's free!!!!


Ezra, Kian & Eden said...

Oh my! That is a girls dream come true! Reed is going down in history for this one! How fun.

Jen said...

Brynn would be so jealous! I'm sure the girls had an awesome time and they look so cute in their little outfits.

bekki said...

WOW! your guys are the coolest parents around. I bet you were screamin right along with all the other tweens.

Gray Family said...

My oh my! My girls will be extremely jealous when I tell them this one. We have the Disney Channel and we know ALL the songs and yes, I admit I have a small mom crush on those boys, especially Nick! What a great surprise and fun evening! Way to go Father of the YEAR!!!!

Heather said...

OK --- I'll only say this once: Even *I* am a little bit jealous!! Demi's not my fav (I'm more of a Selena girl!), but the Brothers ROCK!!! HOW FUN!! (And how very cool - I'll bet that elevates Reed to World's Greatest Dad for a VERY long time to come!)