Wednesday, February 24, 2010

My Love Story

One day, a long, long, long time ago, there lived a woman who did not nag, whine or gripe (that would be ME)
But that was a long time ago, and it was just that one day.
The end

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Getting bigger!

Just a few pictures of Tommy getting bigger by the minute!

What are you?

Are you an over or an under?

Type it in on Google, you'll be amazed at the results too.  One good hint: a toddler (or cat) will be better off with under, but I just can't change it!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Orange you glad!

Just a few random pictures, because I like my HO
I paid $2.00 at Marshall's for that!

I just like the colors on these...and this is a cry for help: anyone has other recipies with lemons? There is only so much lemonade you can drink. I've made lemon bars and lemon cakes...what else???

This would be in the "can you guess what this is" category...if you hadn't see the picture above. Kinda cool though. Well, here is my journaling point for today, signing off :))))

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Little Project

Do you remember my contest at Kirkland. Well, here is what I bought with my $200. I love it, it's a trunk on the top and drawers on the bottom. It's getting filled up with all my kids pictures, cards ans such. I had to move the vacuum out of the way and the laundry baskets to take the pictures!
I got that frame thingy at Kirkland's too...and I had to make the bed before the picture too!

And this is my last project (no, not reading on the pot, that's Reed's project). I redid my flooring in my master bathroom. We had the horrible Linoleum, yuck.

Heavenly toilet area,

I did it all by myself, no help besides Nicky's once in a while. It's the sticky vinyl type of fake wood, you'd never know, I bet you couldn't tell it wasn't real wood!

Maddy's Birthday

9 candles...forgot to get a #9 and didn't have enough of the small works ;)

A month late, sorry Maddy.

Voici les photos de son anniversaire, desolee, m'aura fallu le temps de les mettre.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Wellness Challenge 2010

I signed up for a Wellness Challenge online. I have to do 10 things/day to earn 10 points/day. There are 56 of us, each paid $10...and the winner wins most of it!!!
So here is the challenge, in case you feel inspired to join me or pity me! I started on Monday, and as of now, Wednesday, I haven't lost a point...yet!
1-No sweets, no crap food, fast foods, sugared cereal . I'm doing the point system from Weight Watchers right now,(since Pere Noel brought me 5lbs this season, thanks a lot!), so that makes it okay...although you can eat whatever you want on WW, it's just that one cookie will be like 3 points and here, it's a no no.
2-No soda. I'm not an addict, I like Dr Pepper, but I'm okay. I do get one free point in each category each week, so I can have my DP on my date night.
3- 2 servings of Veggie and Fruits. Now there is a good thing, amazing how hard it can be at times though! Good thing I like soup and that my lemon and orange trees are feeding me!
4-45 min of exercise. Hello P90X!!! I am so sore, good thing is, with P90X, you work something different everyday, so the soreness will never be general, but always to a specific area (like my chest right now...will it lift 'em back to my 20's look???...boobs I'm talking about) or bad thing, you will always have something that hurts!!!!
5-48 oz of water. Do you know how much that makes me pee!!!!! Hold on, gotta take a break...
6- Journaling...or blogging for today. I do like that, so it's okay.
7- 15 min of spiritual reading. Can't go wrong with that.
8- No food after 8:00 no sneaking just a little crumb of lemon bars right before bed, nope, not me!
9- Giving appreciation to someone. So if you get a random email from me telling you how great you are and how much I appreciate you in my life...thanks for the point!
10-Work on weekly project. That can be tough, there is always so much to do, but not always so much energy for it. So far, I've finished the bathroom floors (pictures to come) and reorganized my coupons.

So there you have it: I'm a water-logged-appreciative-organized-spiritually-fit-healthy-blogger to be! Challenge ends end of April. If you see me passed out on the side of the road from a 45 minute jog, just give me a carrot, a banana and some water and let me thank you...that'll give me 4 extra points! Now off to caulking the bathroom floor!!!!