Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Mormon Prom

 Will she? The question was in the eggs, with the last grand finale egg with Alex's picture in it.  He did this all by himself, even the name tag, which he did better than I could have!!!  He left this by her front door at night to be discovered in the morning.

I guess she will!


Ezra, Kian & Eden said...

Cute...I remember those days. So fun...

Gray Family said...

I thought these things were way "out" with kids now-a-days. Brings me back to those crazy high school dayz. Hope the dance is as fun as the "asked and answered"!

Anonymous said...

Mormon Prom??? What is that exactly?

Muche said...

Christy: Mormon Prom is Prom for Mormon kids 16 and up, they do it with multi-stakes, not sure how many. I know Gilbert does it too. They're less chances they'll drink and drive that way :))))