Sunday, July 24, 2011

Up and about

Well, no, not really, but I wanted to let you all know that my other blog with the deals is up and running again. Since I'm home bound, might as well look at good deals I can send hubby get :) I just posted a few freebies, including a cute little plush poney for free.  Go check it out and keep it in your favs if you want.

I get my new boot tomorrow, whoop whoop!  I get my stiches out also, not so whoop whoop, more like yikes yikes.  I promise photos of the damage, so you've been warned! It's quite amazing how many things we take for granted in life, like TWO working legs and such!  I went to Target last night, it was not super comfortable, but I'm going crazzy staying on the couch all day, so that was our date.  I used their little electic chair, and I know many of you are soooo jealous of me just for that privilege!!!  I had put my crutches inside the basket, and sure enough, at the first turn down a crowded aisle, I took out a whole row of Littlest Pet Shop, killed them all!


Gray Family said...

Look at all the news I miss while I'm gone! What-the-heck! Who taught you how to skim board anyway? So, so sorry...I'm home for a week, what do you need?

Muche said...

Well Kim, I obviously didn't learn, huh! We're good, I'll call if I need anything, Thanks :) Have fun AGAIN in Cali!