Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Never too late

Imaginext, Legos and Playmobils, that's life!

We had a birthday boy in April.  He turned 44 I think, sure feels like it, the way time flies!  Tommy is a crack up.  He comes up with the funniest things to say, more than my other kids did at that age.  Right now, Reed is in Deutschland for 10 days, and he just doesn't want to talk to him on the phone.  He told me this morning "I still love him, I just don't wanna talk". There you have a typical man, not willing to talk much but willing to love much!

It was the weekend of Father and Sons campout.  I didn't go, since I'm not a father or a son, but I live with a bunch of them, so I get to use their picture for MY blog.  Don't ask me where they went and what they did (thus the ? at each picture).  All I know is that they came back dirty and smelly, which is why it's only for boys!
 Bossing Tommy?
 Has to pee?
 Arizona grass sliding.  We used a cardboard on grass in Belgium, but butt and dirt works too.
 New paint job for the black car.
 Throwing rocks at dirt?
That one is from my friends, I don't see my own kids in it!

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