Thursday, October 23, 2008

These are all mine!

I don't get my babies all in the same room very often, but this is what we just got :) My prized possession! Alex just turned 15, Nicky is 2 3/4, Tommy is 6 months, Maddy is 7 1/2 and Elly is 6 and 11/12th. Busy crazzy life we got, I'm tellin ya...but I wouldn't trade it for the world!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Cabin Fever

We went to my in laws' cabin in Pinetop/Lakeside two weeks ago. I haven't had time to post my pictures, but here there are. It was very cold, it was the one week end that cooled down in the hot valley, to the 70's, so up there, it was in the low 50's! It was fun to bundle up for a change, and I love my babies in winter clothes! So now we'll put those coats away until the ONE day we go look at the Christmas lights at the Mesa Temple! It's easier with little ones in AZ. You don't have to worry about a fat coat fitting in a carseat, adjusting the seat belts or snow melting in your car...but we do have crayons melting in the cars all summer long...hmm and winter too now that I think of it!

One of Reed's brother met us up there, and it was lots of fun for the kids to have cousins to play with. We never do much up there, just enjoy the cooler weather, the beautiful scenery, the peace and quiet...go to Walmart! We play cards, board games...and there is satelite TV, so it's not like we can't just do like at home, but for some reason, we all end up closer! The cabin is for sale, by the way (if you're interested, let me know) but we are all secretly hoping it doesn't sell too fast. It's been for sale for a couple of years by now, and with the market crash, it won't sell for a while longer. Selfishly, we're kinda happy, but we know my father-in-law wants to retire, so we kinda hope it does sell for them. It will be bitter sweet when it does sell. The land has been in the family for many years, it's hidden in the tree, very private and gorgeous...but the cabin and its acre it sits on are the only things left in the Inmans name by now, since after the grandparents passed away, the land was divided and the other sibblings sold theirs off. Too bad, I like traditions not to be broken, but you gotta do what'cha gotta do! And for now, we're enjoying every bit of that cabin.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Just a quick one

I know I've already posted today, but just a quick note. I'm catching up on reading your blogs and leaving comments so that you know I love reading your life and all, so here is what I have to say: gvinpg gppzwot gq0iuyy thiesves reestweve brewwazio nurrytozo craououyrou
I really DISLIKE copyin those letters before they publish a comment. I know it's for saftety reason, but dang it, I always have to do at least twice 'cauze I mess up one letter: hattie hadabab and I write hattie had a bag...nope, try again loser! Arghhhhhh! That's it, just a little vent before ninight ;)

Friday, October 17, 2008

Who did that???

This is my new clock: totally cool for our international family! It has 9 little clocks (needs 9 batteries too) from different places in the world. It was a Target end-of-isle special! So I haven't had time to look up what the time difference is between here and Bangkok, thus all the times are not set yet...and I'm missing one battery and it looks like some of my batteries aren't very fresh because all those times should have at least the same minutes!!! So cute little project...except that when I got home, I set the new clock on my table. Target has the bright idea of putting screws in the back of the box to hold the clock in its package. Add a screaming kid, my hands full of bags and I pushed the new clock on the table...AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!! MY TABLE! I love my table, it has a few LITTLE scratches, from kids pounding their silverware on the table to request food (always fun) or a dish or whatever. Now, it's really broken in. All the kids said "whoa, who did that"...ME! I know that although none of them said it (including Reed hubby), but all of them thought "gggggeeeezzze, I'm SOOO glad I didn't do it, 'coze I wouldn't have lived through it". And they're right. I would have killed whoever had dammage MY table so much. But now, I can only blame the only responsable party here for my scratch: yep, Target! I'm suing!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Tommy's teething

Nah, he's not really, but that has to be the ugliest and coolest pacifier I ever found!

But I must say that even with that ugly thing in his mouth, he's still a cuttie pie!

Even with a cold and a very tired face, I like him :) I just love it when a baby's picture is like that, because that makes me feel better when I see my pictures and know that if a cute baby can have a bad picture day, that so can I!

Yes, I had another one of those! I love what George Lopez says: I don't want to celebrate my birthday, that means I'm just one year closer to my death :)))

Nicky thought that the candle was to eat. He held onto it all the way home in the car. He couldn't wait to open it. He sat at the table and asked for help to have it open. I thought he was just excited to help me blow it out. But as soon as we opened the package, he took a big bite. You can see it on the 6! What a dissapointment! He spit it out quickly, but the cake was no disappoitment!

And by the way, I'm not 36, I stopped at 29, so I'm only celbrating the 7th birthday of my 29th birthday!