Thursday, May 13, 2010

(10 x 2) + (15 x 2) - 10 =

Call the Fired Department!!!!

Happy Birthday to the man of my dreams!
I truly believe that you are better and better with age, just like old cheese and wine!


Jen said...

Wow! All that math hurt my brain! It looks like he had a great time celebrating the big 4 0. Happy birthday Reed!

Kelly Inman said...

Happy Birthday Reed!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Reed! I hope you had a great day!

Ezra, Kian & Eden said...

That's quite a blaze! Happy Birthday Reed!

Maman et papy said...

Ké gâteau ti, l'était bon au moins. T'en auras un et aussi un cadeau en Belgique!
C'est vrai que tu deviens meilleur avec le temps ? alors bevient de plus en plus meilleur :))

maman said...

bevient est deviens, sorry mais mon doigt a hippé :))

Moman said...

He, Mu, t'es forte en math, maintenant
Ta moman

thewylerfamily said...

Happy Birthday Reed! You are such a great Wifey to put that all together!!