Wednesday, August 10, 2011

La rentree scolaire

It's that time of year already. The time when a small percentage of the population is depressed at the prospect of going back to school - the teachers...but when a big percentage of the rest of the population is rejoicing - the Moms! It's back to school time (la rentree in Francais)
This year, we have a 12th grader (gone way earlier for the picture), a 5th grader, a 4th grader, a Kindergartener and a stay-at-homer

 Nicky told me the most exciting part of the day was riding the bus! This is the kid that used to cry to get on that yellow bus everytime we dropped off his sisters. Now was HIS time, finally!
 We dressed up for the ocasion.


Heather said...

So cute!! And they are SO big... where are the babies??!?!! We start next Wednesday!

moman said...

Et voilà, encore une. Que Maddy est grande !
Bonne année scolaire à tous

Gray Family said...

I think I belong to both populations, I love AND hate that my kids are gone back - what's wrong with me?!

vanessa said...

Qu'ils sont mignons !
Nicky est motivé en tous cas et Maddy est immense !!