Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Saint Nicolas, patron des ecoliers

This year again, Saint Nicolas came to our house, all the way from Belgium, for some very undeserving children, but that's another post!
 Put your shoe by the cheminey (or tree if you don't have one) and he'll bring you goodies on December 6th.
 He is stuck on our tree at our house though, hope he can make it back to Belgium for next year!
 We did Christmas early with my parents, since they leave on Saturday to make sure St Nicolas gets back okay.
 He looks thrilled! and yes, he got glasses, that poor kid was as blind as a bat on the left eye!
My BFF Vanessa sent us a package too this year, all fat free items, of course!


Heather said...

He looks so stinkin' precious in those glasses!!

Sarah said...

I love that you celebrate St. Nicholas coming, Belgian style. What fun!

Erin said...

Love the glasses - he looks cute! Both my boys wear glasses and my oldest was almost blind in one of his eyes (-12.50 lens presciption) until eye muscle surgery and eye patching for years!