Wednesday, December 30, 2009

The Eve

We always open the gifts from my parents, brother and aunt on Christmas Eve. After our fancy dinner, where we eat "at the red table".

Kareoke for Xbox.


Gray Family said...

Well I always knew Reed was talented - but this takes the cake! Thanks for the blackmail op! BTW the pictures of the pillow fight - priceless!


That's hysterical!!!!!! Thanks for sharing! I'm so sad that we didn't get a chance to meet up while we were in Phoenix! I sure hope you are feeling better! If you are ever up this way, lets try to get together! Love the pics of your Christmas. Your home looks so festive! Talk to you later!

Jen said...

I LOVE that song! What a hoot! Fun christmas pics!

Heather said...

That is TOO funny! I've got brian on video singing Living on a Prayer!! I'll try to post that this weekend!