Thursday, July 5, 2012

Bouillon, medieval castle

Another day, another visit.  The Castle of Bouillon dates back from at least 988 AD, however, it might be even be older.  It first belonged to Godfroy of Bouillon, who left for the crusades in early 1000.  It has all that an old castle could have, torture chambers, dungeons and  fowls.

 Such a treat for a claustrophobic like me!!!
Tickle room

The time out room

So tempted to push her, but then I'd end up in the dungeon for life!

The Falconer 

The powder room, as in where they store the powder and not as in where the queen did her make-up!

Water storage, beats my 72 hour kit!

Onto the next adventure...but we are coming to an end soon unfortunately :(


Erin said...

Awesome pictures of your trip! Love the castle! Glad you aren't in the dungeon for life1 :)

Ezra, Kian & Eden said...

Did I mention yet that I am jealous?
Looks lovely.

Melskers said...

Hey oui, nous sommes biensur JALOUX!!! De belles photos, de toute facon. Le livre de Roger semble etre tres beau! Alex ira-t'il peut-etre en Belgique pour sa mission? :) Bisous, Mel et famille