Tuesday, July 10, 2012


Reed and I spent the day in Liege, my home town.  A perfect date with a perfect mate!

Liege is candidate to the 2017 World Expo. The Tour de France started in Liege this year (yes, it's in Belgium, but the French have never been great at geography!)

These last pictures were of the Palais de Justice or Court House. It used to be the Arch Bishops' Palace.

This whole street belonged to my great-great-grand parents. They were tailors and had quite a bit of money back in the days. All the houses here were theirs. I know that one of the relatives, even in the 70's, had to go collect the rent on the 1st of the month, because they were so poor that by the 2nd, the money would not be there anymore!  All I have left from this money is a medallion!  My great- grandpa was not very frugal, he loved Paris and women!!! 

I'm kind of a superstar in Liege, didn't you know?

It's pretty funny to go home and yet, totally look like a tourist!

Here is the second volume of my dad's latest book.  Paroles d'Exode

We found our dream house, about 1 mile from my parents. Love love love that house! If only I played the lottery!
Our trip is over, I will put a few more pictures in the next day or two.  We are now back in AZ.  Saying goodbye was hard as usual. We had a wonderful month and while sitting in our pool this afternoon, with 91 degrees in the water, 112 out of it, I can't help but wonder why we came back?!!!


Ezra, Kian & Eden said...

Oooohhhhh! That is a dream house!
Love the pics of you on the steps...such a cute girl!
Glad you made it home safely but I feel bad that you had to come home at all. :)
See you soon.

Sarah said...

Wow, love all the greenery at that house. Sounds like you guys had a FABULOUS vacation!
And wait, your dad is a writer? Of real books?????

Anonymous said...

I've been having a virtual vacation via your blog.