Monday, October 8, 2012

Conference Week-end

This past Saturday and Sunday was the Conference for our church.  It is held in Salt Lake City Utah (and televised worldwide) but it happened to fall at the same time as our fall break. So we took our annual trip to see Reed's brother up in Kaysville Utah.  We took Alex and his cousin to the Sunday PM session.  We met up with some other family members too.
Some of the gang. Lacey (my niece right to my right) is going to the MTC on Wednesday, foing to serve an 18 months mission in Carlsbad, CA.  My nephew Jake, her brother (left behind Alex) is going to Billings, Montana for 2 years in February)

Our next Elders, the two on the right have their call. The other two are waiting to be old enough!

1 comment:

Gray Family said...

You all look so...what's the word...good? cold? happy? all three? Next year for us? Right? And what a fun way to celebrate your birthday...welcome to the club!