Sunday, August 4, 2013


Yikes, before the kids go back to school, I better post some pictures of our summer adventures!  We didn't go far, we just used our white trash trailer and camped in Show Low 3 times this summer.  We were there for the 4th of July too, got to see fireworks, then also got to enjoy quite a few monsoon afternoon rains.  We loved it, the kids had a blast too.

This is trip #1, in mid-June.  We picked up Maddy from Girls'camp that week too, she was in Pinetop.
This is why I wanted to camp in a trailer: it reminds me of growing up, camping all over France in the summer and playing in the sand or dirt like this with my brother; making tracks in the dirt for your cars.

Becoming a Junior Ranger, swearing to protect the forest and the animals.  PS: I look like a blimp on the pix, ugh!

We didn't catch anything fishing, so fake worms was dinner that night!

...yep, someone peed the bed, I shall protect his identity...

This is the cabin Reed's parents built and sold a few years ago, in Pinetop...such great memories of it! 
The Hondah Casino in Pinetop

Of course Buster got to come along.

Fool Hallow Lake
And why would we ever go camping in the boonies, where there wouldn't be any fast foods, I don't know, I like camping and civilization!

I lied, that's what we caught, yum! 
Pretty much all I did.
                          Trip #2, it was still a hot day around 90 for the 4th of July, but so nice in the shade...and the white trash trailer has nice running a/c.
4th of July Parade in Show Low...hmmm yeah, and Nicky is wearing a Belgian Flag hat, oops :)
Buster is so impressed by the parade.

Waiting for the fireworks to start, or the rain, we weren't sure...

Iphone nightime photos are not the best, but who carries a camera now a days?

The set up part deux

Then we loved it and went back again 2 weeks later.

Here is an advantage to having a heavy prescription for your glasses: you get to try to burn some paper with the sun!
Yep, dinner again!  The Rangers told us they had just stocked the lake with Trophy size fishes, good thing!  Tommy thought if he caught a fish, he'd win a trophy.
So he made his own fishing pole with a stick, that didn't bring him anymore luck
It had rained enough and the fire restrictions were lifted, yeah to roasting dogs and s'mores!

It rained a little, but it was way too nice to leave the fire.

So this was pretty much our summer, with lots of swimming in between those trips. Tomorrow, school starts and I will be alone for another 2 1/2 months before baby Oopsiee joins the clan.


Gray Family said...

Man, I wish we could've joined year! Baby and all!

Ezra, Kian & Eden said...

That sounds like a perfect summer! There's nothing quite like a good ol' family camping trip. I am good for only one a year but that's because we don't have a luxurious trailer like the Inmans! :) Glad you had fun and I can't wait to see just how cute that little baby Oopsie is. :)