I just looked at the widget that shows me how many days I have left before my life gets turned upside down again: 60. That's not very much and I hope/plan to shave off a few extras too. My kiddos have been back to school for 3 weeks now. I get bored! I know there's always laundry or sweeping or all kinds of fun chores that I could do, because that is why I went to college after all: to become a cleaning lady. But since I can't even see my feet, bending over to pick up trash is a chore in itself anyway. I keep thinking "what if", what if I wasn't pregnant, what would I be doing? I had planned on subbing French and earning my Teaching Degree finally. I was going to lose those last 10 lbs, and go to the gym more than once a year. I was going to have a perfectly organized home. I'd take my dog on a walk in the morning, right after the bus left. I would I would I would...but I don't and I can't. Meanwhile, while I am writing my self pity party scenario, some little dude is kicking my butt (literally though, he really is kicking hard) into gear so I get up and get some milk at the store.
Don't get me wrong, I'm grateful for this new event in my life, I'm just bored right now, Buster doesn't talk to me much...ouch, nice kick in the ribs, I think he's trying to tell me something, something like: "Mom, get up, get busy, stop lamenting yourself over the what ifs because I'm coming, the Lord told you He needed another missionary, so I'm coming...so here I go then, ordered around by my unborn child already, now that sounds familiar and I can deal with :)"
You can come hang out with me...I need another excuse to do nothing! Can't wait to meet the new Elder!
I hear you lady. I think that "boredom" would kick in no matter what...isn't that what "midlife crisis" are? I was just telling Brig that I've been feeling bored lately. Not that I don't have plenty to do, I am just lacking that get up and go that I need. You may see me wearing skin tight clothes and driving a red convertible if I'm not careful how far I let this take me. :) You're lucky you have a sweet little baby to "kick you" into gear...high gear in 58 days!!!! :) I think I need to find ways to serve to cure me. With that in mind, I can come and clean your house and hold your baby and organize your drawers and walk your dog whenever you need. :) Can't wait for that sweet baby to make an appearance!
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