With Granny in 2007
Crappy one of me, but Reed is cute
with Papy in 2007
Maddy and Elly, 2006
Nicolas and Saint Nicolas 2006
Isn't great when the leaves turn red and start falling, isn't it? Well, I wouldn't know! Cacti don't lose their needles, nope, only when you touch them and they stick in your finger. But still, it did cool down so much this last week that I can almost smell Christmas (and the fact that I bought 5 Airwick refills at Sam's club with the trusted cinamon/apple scent helps a bunch too). We went to some friends' wedding reception on Friday, and true to an AZ wedding, it was held outside. It was butt cold my friends! They had warm soup that did not need blowing to cool down. It seems that we NEVER get to enjoy the 80 degree weather here in AZ. It's hot hot hot, then October is over, you get high 80's almost 90 and boom, it's low 70's! Same deal in March, we skip the low 80's to get right into swimming weather! But, can't complain, it's beautiful and that's why we live here (well, in my case, I live here because Reed is from here and we haven't had the courage to leave yet, if you don't count Germany for 3 years).
I already heard Christmas music on 99.9, with that annoying host "Delialaaaa". She is such a snore, and people call her to tell them which song they like and what sob story they are experiencing at the same time "my cousins' friend just found out his dog is dying after 19 years of companionship and this song is for him"...sad, yes, but do I need to know about the terrible hermoroids that the poor dog suffers from too?
Khol's is all decorated, they don't wait for the silly turkey to be eaten anymore, as soon as the goblins are done booing everyone, here comes the jolly 'ol fat red suited guy! - and no, I can't just says "thanksgiving, Halloween and Santa", it would just kill my nack for metaphores!-
But it's okay with me, it makes it last longer and maybe by the end of Christmas, I might actually be ready to let it go for another 10 months without a tear!
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