Friday, February 6, 2009

I gonna go on ckoowl busssz

Nicky went to Mrs. Melissa's art school today for the 1st time! He did great. He kept saying he was going to go on the school bus. I explained to him that I would be the bus, with the red car. But on our way there, we were following a school bus, so he said "hey wait, ckooowl busss, wait a me". He seemed a little shy at first in the class, but I left him (without a tear from him or me) and he did awesome. Great first experience for both of us ;) He even got to pet a bunny rabbit called "Nicky", a bit more furry than him, but very soft and cuddly like my Nicky.

I don't want to forget these, so I'm Here are a few things that Nicky says over and over:
Reed to me: "are you going to take Nicky to school?"
Nicky to me: "I don care, you can take me, I don care"
"I such a big boy"
If you ask him where something is, his respond is: "up there, byyyy'e couner" since most of the time, things ARE on the kitchen counter. If he has an ouie, you ask where it hurts, "up there, byyy'e couner".
"You found my Wawee": we had lost his stinky Lion and then found it. Turns out it was in the dryer and I had forgotten that I had washed it. Nicky named him Wawee after we called it "lion" forever, so Wawee it became.
"To fee beyeah" : to Infinity and Beyond, by Buzz Lightyear.
"I'wan Sombeam": we sing "Jesus Wants me for a Sunbeam" every day before nap and before night time.
When Alex was about two, I was doing laundry and he asked" I youpee you". It took me a while to understand, but he meant "can I help you". We still say that, along with "dink a pop", "stunky dunky".
How I love my wee ones ;)


Heather said...

Ahhhh -- how sweet!!! I can't believe he's so big!

Gray Family said...

don't you just love loose translations?! oh and Ms. Melissa?!

Aimee's Family Journal said...

Little cutie pie! They want to be so much like their big brothers and sisters. I think he looks ready.... c'mon man!

Anonymous said...

So cute! I saw him just now as I was dropping Kian off for class and Nicky looked very pleased to be there. :) I love the stuff kids say..."up on the counter"---too cute!