Wednesday, August 20, 2008

My son the drummer boy!!!!

Holllly crap, for anyone complaining that their kids make too much noise, just think of what it must be like in our home lately!!!! Alex just purchased an electric guitar a few weeks ago: that can get loud but there is a cord that I can confiscate any time. He's wanted a

drum set for a while, since he had a band last year at school. I had to admit that he was pretty talented, but I really pushed him to get the guitar (for the reason stated above). Well, a friend of his had this smaller version of a drum set for sale, for cheap. So we said yes. (dummie us) It's loud, no cord to take away. He is talented and it's not just banging around, it's got beat and we're jamming...but I did take away his sticks today because he was playing during nap time, niiiice going Alex! I'm happy he's into something though, it's a good thing to have music in your life, even if it's Nirvana or Metallica crap! We don't share the same musical interest him and I, and I have to put my foot down in the car: MY car -> MY radio buddy and consider yourself lucky I'm not Grandpa and make you listen to Karen Carpenter! So when the girls come home from school, Alex has done his homework already and he's all ready to practice, while I have Nicky cranky from his nap, Elly looking for a snack, Maddy fighting her math problems and Tommy fighting his sleep. And that's why we end up at Burgerking: I can't find time to make dinner, my head is about to explode. It's a crazy life, but that's mine!


Anonymous said...

You and Reed are pretty cool parent's to let Alex go after his passions. I think that's great;) Good luck Alex!! Hang in there Muche...cherish the noise soon it will all be gone.

bekki said...

i think that is so cool of you guys. My brother Brig had a band and they were pretty good they made up their own songs. And what is wrong with Metallica? I love that band and AC/DC in fact when I have had a bad day I listen to AC/DC.

Heather said...

Oh. Holy. Cow. I always think it's cool for OTHER parents to get THEIR kids drums!!! ;)

Melanie said...

I love it. I was just saying to Stewart what a cute kid Alex is. How fun for him what a good mom you are