Saturday, September 20, 2008

You're never too early

I love Halloween! Not just for the candies that I steal from my kids -although they are getting smarter with age and know which ones are the good ones, so they don't just give them to me anymore, bah I still got Tommy, he's clueless but so cute he'll get me good M&Ms and Snickers! But because behind Halloween here in the Hot valley, there is a promise that the weather is going to cool down. So I start looking for costumes early. I went to Old Navy and found a cute little Dragon. Tommy will be a skunk and I'll post pictures around the H day, just like every other blog on the planet with our cute little kiddos. But Nicky was so excited to wear his tonigh that I figured I'd take his picture quick: last year, I never had time to do it and his costume was off and full of chocolate before I could say Boo! I've been looking on E-bay and it's funny how most people will say "warm costume to keep your little ones nice and toasty". We don't need that here, they sweat all on their own. Nicky could really feel the heat in his costume, not because it's a dragon (nice punt) but because it's still freakin hot outside, yuck! It cracks me up how people will always truly believe that by September, the weather cools down. My Mom-in-law told me for so many years how it starts getting real nice in October (Humm, no Mom, love you, but my Halloween candles ALWAYS melt outside before they're lit, and the carved pumkins start caving in and rotting on the floor by November 1st at midnite if you leave it out too long). So I don't hope for a cool Halloween where my dragon, skunk, witch and undecided 8 yr old won't melt like Butterfingers left in your car in July, but I love it anyway.


Melanie said...

That is seriously the cuties costume looks like I need to head on over to old navy he looks adorable

Muche said...

Naaahaaa you don't! Get your own ideas! Okay, I guess it'll be dark and it's not like we live in the same street!!!! Hmmmm :)

bekki said...

Love the costume. Hey I don't think i invited you to my blog so here is my email leave me your email and i will invite you.

Anonymous said...

Very adorable!! I can't wait to see the other kiddos!

Jann said...

Oh, he looks adorable! By the way, Nicky does really great in nursery. He is such a fun kid!!

Melanie said...

Well its not like you are the only person that goes to Old navy you dork and to be honest Ethan is going to be a skunk as well I was really hoping for the monkey but they were all picked over and had nothing in his size but the lady bug, dragon and the skunk. I figured since Tommy wont be running around and Nicky will I went with the skunk. Oh well its halloween and there will probably be more than just 2 skunks anyways I do love the dragon costume