Sunday, November 29, 2009

Who do you know?

I was just randomly thinking, which is my main occupation, since being a SAHM doesn't necessarily require scheduled productive thinking, really. I was trying to think and see if I knew anyone famous. Well, I don't, I just don't. It always makes me so mad to dream about being BFF with a famous person, to wake up and realize that THAT star didn't dream about ME! I don't have a need to know one, but it would only be fair that they dream about me if I dream about them! I know our society makes heroes out of the wrong people, our true heroes are in Iraq and Afghanistan, on our streets catching criminals and people falling off buildings, in classrooms everyday and at home with babies...all for a meager pay. But hey, isn't still fun to meet a face that you see everywhere, to see them in real for real ;)
So who do you know? I know someone that knows someone that went on Oprah. I know someone that went to school with Kid Rock. I know someone that knows someone that knows Stephanie Meyer (she is from AZ). I saw Jay Leno in Beverly Hills, going home in his blue Dodge Viper, because we had bought a stupid tourist map showing where the stars live. He waved to us (are we BFFs then, does he dream about hanging out with me then?). I had dinner with a famous singer in Belgium, Barzotti...hmm, yeah, you're not impressed. My brother rubbed shoulders with Brad Pitt...that requires a little explanation: he was at a flight simulator in Paris (he's a pilot for the Belgian Air Force and they do training there) and bumped into some guy. His friend and colleague told him, casually, that it was Brad Pitt he just bumped. My brother didn't believe him, so went on. But then, they got a little curious and went back. It was indeed the hottie actor and his jolie wife. Pitt has a pilot license, and since they live in France, he needed to redo one for France, or something like that. I asked my brother if I could touch his shoulder (left) and then sell his shirt on EBay. So, who do you know? And if you don't, when I'm rich and famous, you can say that you knew me when...


Heather said...

Ummmm.... My mom and I have met Yanni, Hank Thompson, and Neil McCoy. I went to high school with Ree DRummond (Pioneer Woman)and Jenny Engall (Country Christian singer). Chris Hester is kinda, sorta a friend of Brian's. Lisa Campbell Ernst (a children's author) married a man who grew up in my church (and his sister babysat me and my sister). I frequently email Celia Rivenbark (author) just because, so I'm assuming we're BFFs then...

Ezra, Kian & Eden said...

Let' see...I was at a restaurant sitting a couple of tables away from the actor who plays the dad in the movie Rudy...too far of a stretch? Maybe. Let's see...I was waiting in line at Disneyland for the Teacups ride while Angie Harmon was riding on it with her kids! Wow! And once, my sister was at a Counting Crows concert and sat right behind Alyssa Milano!!!!!!!! No joke! So, now that you know all of that about me, maybe I can earn a spot in your famous person dream??????? ;)

erin said...

Me and Grant saw Shaq @ the Ritz in Marina del Ray... not that WE were staying there. We were picking my cousin's family that was staying there and he came right out of the doors and stood under the portico by our classy 1987 Civic (that we were too cheap to valet)! ha ha One of Grant's employees ended up sitting at the airport bar next to Mike Rowe a couple of weeks ago. She took a pic to prove it. We are SO almost famous! Oh yah, when I was working downtown, Kevin Johnson used to come in late at night (he was a Suns player back in the day when you guys were all babies). Oh, now I remember the best one.... my girlfriend was working late one night at the same store and Jordie Hormel (the sole heir to the entire Hormel fortune) came in w/ a kid in a dirty diaper! AWESOME!