Monday, December 29, 2008

Now that's it's over

It's over, done with, gone for another 10 months or so...yep, tis the season to be over.
Like most people, Christmas being over makes me really sad, so I decided to make myself a happy list of why it's good Christmas is we go:
-New Year's eve party coming up at our house, that's always fun (yes, you're invited, 8:00pm, kids welcome, bring food)
-After Christmas sales, not only the deals they have, but I love bying Christmas things at 75% off and then re-discover them next year when I open my boxes of decorations.
- Putting money in my savings again instead of buying presents after presents after presents
-Maddy's baptimsm, on the 17th of January
- My parents coming on the 10th
-Reed still has a week of vacation this week, love to be around him
- Getting the house put back to normal, even if I adore my tree and decorations, it is a "clean" feeling to get the house back after over a month
- Kids stop eating candies (since Halloween, it's been non-stop)
- Running out of Christmas goodies and finally being able to visualize that there is a possibility of maybe think of loosing the baby weight.
Hmm, I'm out of ideas, please help me with this if you think of more :)

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Visit with Santa

Our ward has a close connection to Santa, so we can trust him and he really loves our kiddos :)

This one is the creepy mall Santa, he looks half-way dead and Alex said he sounded drunk...don't touch my kids too much old man!

Go check out the kids, Alex made this, I love it

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Not a tag

I don't really like Tags (not to offend those who have tagged me before) because A) When you read that others have been tagged and not you, you feel like you're not quite the BFF you thought you were since you didn't even make the "Tag List" and B) I usually get these types through emails and just respond there. I like these easy questionnaires; who doesn't like an easy test where you know all the answers?! This is a Christmas one, feel free to tag yourself and consider yourselves all my BFFs
1. Wrapping paper or gift bags? Paper, but just for Christmas, not the rest of the year! Gosh, I might even put a bow on it.
2. Real tree or Artificial? Fake, we did a real one once, it looked nice but I'm too cheap though!
3. When do you put up the tree? The Friday after Thanksgiving, sometimes the Saturday at the very latest.
4. When do you take the tree down? After New Year's Eve, I hate it when people take theirs down right after Christmas, it makes me too sad to just be over with it that fast, like they're itching to turn the page and go back to normal boring light less homes.
5. Do you like eggnog? yes, but I feel it sticking to my butt as it goes down
6. Favorite gift received as a child? Three-story Barbie Townhouse with elevator (ditto Erin, even across the sea, the world of Barbie is a peanut). My bedroom was tiny so we put the house in the hallway, where my Dad kicked it nightly when he got up to go pee.
7. Hardest person to buy for? Tommy...kidding, it would be my or Reed's Dad
8. Easiest person to buy for? The younger kids: the younger, the easier
9. Do you have a nativity scene? yes
10. Mail or email Christmas cards? Both, email for people that don't write me, mail for those who do, fair enough
11. Worst Christmas gift you ever received? The MVD sends me my car registration every year in December, it gets cheaper every year, but just don't buy a car for Christmas, it's a gift that keeps on taking
12. Favorite Christmas Movie(s) the Santa Claus 2, or whatever Nicky is watching for the humfest time
13. When do you start shopping for Christmas? When I think about it, not much before Thanksgiving since we have birthdays before and after
14. Have you ever recycled a Christmas present? Kinda, for something I had gotten fixed
15 .Favorite thing to eat at Christmas? Everybody else's baking
16. Lights on the tree? no, candles, JK!!! Why would you not put lights on a tree, it would just be a dumb Pine tree with a bunch of crap on it!
17. Favorite Christmas song? I'm dreaming of a white Christmas (I like most of them, but that's the first one that popped into my head) I do NOT like the one from Charlie Brown, boringggggg
18. Travel at Christmas or stay home? Not anymore since we have bigger kiddos, gotta be in my own home for the morning frenzy
19. Can you name all of Santa's reindeer's? Yes, if I sing the song
20. Open the presents Christmas Eve or morning? We used to open one on Christmas Eve when we were childless, which was..what, for 1 year of our marriage!
21. Most annoying thing about this time of the year? The feeling that we HAVE to feel overwhelmed by the holidays, I don't, I love it and don't stress over it, just enjoy the flow peeps!22. Favorite ornament theme or color? Nah, whatever I have works great (another stress free advice)
23. Favorite for Christmas dinner? We have "bouquettes" from Liege on Christmas Day, it's a tradition from my home town. The are a type of crepes but they have to rise and have yeast (and beer) in them
24. What do you want for Christmas this year? Nothing, just to spoil my kids

Now, I tag only my BFFs, go for it :)...okay, wait no, because if you don't do this questionnaire in your blog, I will THEN know that you don't consider yourself and MY BFF and then will be offended again, gosh, I just can't win.

Sunday, December 7, 2008


Nicolas Inman was born on December 7th, 2005. We wanted another baby, planned to have a boy, in December. And lo and below, we got want we wanted!!!! ...with the help of fertility drugs, since it takes two people to knock me up most the time: my husband and my doctor! We weren't sure of what to call him until the last minute, but when we realized I would be induced on December 6th, which is Saint Nicolas in Belgium (see previous post) his name was picked for us ;) He was 8lb 5oz, a tiny baby for me. I watched his birth with the mirror (yeah, some of you think YUCK) and witnessed the true miracle that it is to bring a child into this world. I wouldn't have wanted to do that with my previous births (and wanted to with my last, but they didn't move the mirror quick enough -I didn't want to see the episotomy - and thus I witnessed my foot during the birth, which looks about the same as everyday). I was ready to see what my body could do, I wanted to see what "crowning" was. Anyway, it was very special. Nicky is very special. Lately, being around him, especially after he gets up from his nap or in the morning, is like being around a new menopausal woman that just got passed over at the check-out line in a tweezers shop . He is training me to go through puberty and hormonal changes guaranteed to wrack my life in about 5 years (two girls, 10 months apart, will I live?). I am walking on eggs with him, and when I break them, they're rotten filthy smelly ones because he sure lets me have it! See, the morning Poptart (Poptarts and cheese ARE on the food pyramid, I assure you) has to be positioned the right way. So is the "sicky cup" FULL of milk, not half-way, not almost, but full, thank you. And you'd better hope that "Spom Bom" is on TV too. Nicky likes to repeat the same thing over and over, until you acknowledge him the right way. His favorite saying is "am I goottoday", repeated 5 times, screaming the last bit if mom is not agreeing with him quick enough or saying the exact correct words in the perfect pitch. If you want to chance your life and finally tell him that by screaming that at you, he's NOT being good today, that's when the eggs crack and the world stop spinning, while Nicky himself starts spinning on the floor, or flopping! I really think that the terrible two's should be over at three, but since Nicky doesn't agree with me and that he is the boss, what can I do but wait for it to pass? He is a fun kid though. The other day, while Barney was telling us what he loves, I asked him: Nicky, what do you love? Him: Hmmm, hmmmmm Cheese! But, after our routine nap time song, he does tell me "I wove you" everyday. I cannot believe he's three today, time flies, as always. I'm so grateful for him, he's an awesome little boy, tantrums and all, I wove him so. Happy Birthday Nicolas! I wove you!

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Saint Nicolas

In Belgium, on the 6th of December, Saint Nicolas, the children's Saint, comes through the chimney and drops goodies and gifts to good little children; he puts it in their shoes (or by them). When I was little, about 2 weeks prior to the 6th, we would set out one shoe in the kitchen (close enough to the chimney) and Saint Nicolas (called Sinterklaas in Holland, same tradition) would come and give us a chocolate. I was always up before my brother, who is 4 years older, and would always run and tell him that Saint Nicolas came and what he got. For some reason, he hated that??? So since my children are half Belgian, we try to keep the tradition in our home too. We don't do the shoes two weeks in advance, because it would be way too much candies, right after Halloween, but he does come and give a little something on the 6th.

We have a song that my kids don't know, but I'll write it down anyway

Saint Nicolas, patron des ecoliers

Apporte-moi de pommes dans mes petits souliers.

Je serais toujours sage,

Comme un petit mouton.

Je dirai mes prieres avant de faire dodo.

Venez, venez Saint Nicolas,

Venez, venez

Venez, venez Saint Nicolas

Et tralala

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Black Friday Piranahs

The day after Thanksgiving is an important day in the life of a frugal shopper. Most years, I don't find anything cheap enough for me. Since I NEVER buy anything full price, just because it's on sale on Black Friday doesn't mean it's a good deal for me. But this year, Walmart had a few things that were interesting, like pajamas for $4.00 and such. Granted I wasn't gonna get up at 4:00 am for a pair of jamies, but they also had a good deal on an X-box 360. I mentioned it to Alex, kinda jokingly...I was hoping he'd sleep in and forget about it. But nope, he came in my room at 4:00 am, I acted like I didn't know what he wanted, but I didn't fool him. So off we went, bright (hmm, no, it was still dark) and early (hmm, again, no, I consider 4:00am as late in the night) to Walmart. You've all heard about a man being trampled to death in New York, but our Walmart is open 24hrs so we could go right in. They had a nice line for the Xboxes, they gave out tickets so all you had to do is be there early enough to get a ticket, and then wait. We got one of the last 3 tickets and were thus guaranteed an Xbox. But, they didn't do that for everything, only the big items. For the little digital cameras, they had no tickets. So people were huddled around the bin were the cameras were, hoovering over them like the Deatheaters in Harry Potter. The plastic wrap was preventing crazy shoppers from attacking too soon, but when 5:00 am stroke, off came the plastic and the feeding frenzy started. All the cameras (maybe 100 of them) were gone withing 30 seconds! We've all seen pictures of piranhas feeding on a bloody prey, eating it all up withing 30 seconds flat...well, I've now witnessed it first hand, no need to go to the Amazon for me! (I just looked on Wikipedia to make sure that's where Piranahs live, just in case a smartie pants wanted to correct me, so there). I heard that people were on the floor wrestling over a chair in a different isle, I wish I could have seen that too! That would have been like going to a Safari in Africa and seing two lions fighting for their prey...I would have thus been all around the world just by going to Walmart. And I could have really said that Walmart has EVERYTHING I need!

Now, the Christmas season is officially started and we have our decorations out. Here are my boys:

Baby meets train

Baby loves train

Baby detroys train

Baby eats train

Big brother finishes train off

Monday, November 17, 2008

Our new dog!

So that's it, we finally did it, we got a little dog. He's so good with the kids! They all love him to death, we should have done it a long time ago!

Notice how still he stays, nothing phases him! He doesn't bark either, he doesn't drool on Tommy's head, he's all about self-control.

He doesn't eat, and best part: he doesn't poop either!

He came in a big box, from Toys'R us, from my mom. Merci Granny, gros bisous d'Elly!
Hmmm, if you didn't figure it out by now, he's fake, I wouldn't have it any other way. I am thinking about taking him to the park this afternoon without a leash and letting him run wild, since it seems to be the thing to do now a days!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Too much sugar tonight!

I've got to write this down. I've been blogging away, catching up with my peeps and so I like to leave comments for everyone to know I'm reading their life. So the security letters that I've had to type before leaving the msg have been so weird: silli, ucast, orardra (I had read Obama first, so that would have been cool), chourne (i hat a fery long chourne, said the German tourist to Orardra the unicorn), and goely (take the l out and you got goey, like they say in Canada: I'd like to go ey, but the Germany tourist is talking to the unicorn and I can't get by hey). One last one is inguess, so I inguess I'll quit here and go to bed! Are those always that funny or did I have too much cake tonight? Don't answer that, it's the sugar talking, I know, but it cracks me up! This was definetly a post you could have all skipped, but then again and again and again: my blog, I do whatever I want ;)))

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Birthday Girl!

She loved Cheer


April 08


Just 3 years old

Elly is 7 years old. Well, by the time I finish posting this blog, it might be past midnight and it will officially be the 16th of November. She is a sweet little girl, full of life. I love her freckles and big green eyes. She is the spitting image of her mother, and for those who know her and me, you will agree that her personality, her sarcasm and her little aTTiTTude are just like me too! My parents always go back 29 years in time when they see her coming from the park across the street, her face all scrunched up, her pig tails bouncing and her fists on her waist, MAD because someone wasn't playing right! She is so smart and cracks me up. She's my little buddy and is still so cuddly. She's still little, looks more like she is 5 years old, wears size 5T, but her brain is way ahead of her body :) I love her to pieces.
We had a birthday party for her today. 7 little very excited girls, all screams and giggles but it was fun and I survived. She was spoiled by her little friends, of course, and we now have more Bratz and markers scattering the floor. Tommy is crawling too, or whatever you want to call his style (he gets on his hands and knees and kinda launches forward and then does it again, but it works and he gets around). He almost made it to the Bratz make-up and got a good hold of the Giant coloring book. Life is good for baby, tons of things to destroy, to lick, the wrinkle, it's great to be him! Not so great for those around who would love to keep reading the newspaper on the floor.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Oh the weather outside it frightfull

With Granny in 2007

Crappy one of me, but Reed is cute

with Papy in 2007

Maddy and Elly, 2006

Nicolas and Saint Nicolas 2006

Isn't great when the leaves turn red and start falling, isn't it? Well, I wouldn't know! Cacti don't lose their needles, nope, only when you touch them and they stick in your finger. But still, it did cool down so much this last week that I can almost smell Christmas (and the fact that I bought 5 Airwick refills at Sam's club with the trusted cinamon/apple scent helps a bunch too). We went to some friends' wedding reception on Friday, and true to an AZ wedding, it was held outside. It was butt cold my friends! They had warm soup that did not need blowing to cool down. It seems that we NEVER get to enjoy the 80 degree weather here in AZ. It's hot hot hot, then October is over, you get high 80's almost 90 and boom, it's low 70's! Same deal in March, we skip the low 80's to get right into swimming weather! But, can't complain, it's beautiful and that's why we live here (well, in my case, I live here because Reed is from here and we haven't had the courage to leave yet, if you don't count Germany for 3 years).
I already heard Christmas music on 99.9, with that annoying host "Delialaaaa". She is such a snore, and people call her to tell them which song they like and what sob story they are experiencing at the same time "my cousins' friend just found out his dog is dying after 19 years of companionship and this song is for him"...sad, yes, but do I need to know about the terrible hermoroids that the poor dog suffers from too?
Khol's is all decorated, they don't wait for the silly turkey to be eaten anymore, as soon as the goblins are done booing everyone, here comes the jolly 'ol fat red suited guy! - and no, I can't just says "thanksgiving, Halloween and Santa", it would just kill my nack for metaphores!-
But it's okay with me, it makes it last longer and maybe by the end of Christmas, I might actually be ready to let it go for another 10 months without a tear!

I put so

Monday, November 3, 2008

Movin on...

It wouldn't be a blog if I didn't put pictures of us during Halloween! We had three parties, so three times the candies, ridiculous, but we took them all and are eating them. As a matter of fact, all the good chocolates are already gone. I make sure I eat them all quick, because my theory is that if you eat crap faster, it's healthier than to eat it them slower over a longer period of time! The quicker they're gone, the quicker I can start eating healthy again...yep, I'm gonna live long.

I started putting the Halloween decos away. I left the scarecrows out and turned the jack'o lanterns around (thus becoming mere fall decorations- savy me) and left the decos boxes in the office, because if I put them back now, they'll be in front of Christmas decos, which are coming out in three short weeks. This holiday thing is like life management: you have to know when to put things out, when to put them away, which ones can be used for more than one purpose and be ready for the next batch of decorations. If you can organize your decorations correctly,then you should be all set for life: you should be able to play the stock market (maybe not right this minute, not a good time) -when to buy stock, when to sell, when to use them longer and be ready for the next batch to buy! But here is me: I rotated my decorations like a pro and when the Halloween ones are all put away, all the bins are nice and stacked, I go for a pipi break to the bathroom and realize that there is a goofy pumpkin on a towel saying "ha ha, you forgot me, trick on you!" ...and nope, this type of pumpkin cannot pass for a mere fall pumpkin, it's cleary Halloween, darn it! I just cannot stand having a decoration for a Holliday when it's way past time! How white trashy is it to have your Christmas lights still on for Easter, come on! So off comes the silly-out-of-holiday towel, hummmpaaafhhh I open the lid of the big plastic bin just barely enough to sneak the out-dated towel ...let go of the lid, snap, crap, my fingers are still in it too!!!! Next year, I'll scan my house better, it hurts less! Happy belated Halloween to all :)

Thursday, October 23, 2008

These are all mine!

I don't get my babies all in the same room very often, but this is what we just got :) My prized possession! Alex just turned 15, Nicky is 2 3/4, Tommy is 6 months, Maddy is 7 1/2 and Elly is 6 and 11/12th. Busy crazzy life we got, I'm tellin ya...but I wouldn't trade it for the world!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Cabin Fever

We went to my in laws' cabin in Pinetop/Lakeside two weeks ago. I haven't had time to post my pictures, but here there are. It was very cold, it was the one week end that cooled down in the hot valley, to the 70's, so up there, it was in the low 50's! It was fun to bundle up for a change, and I love my babies in winter clothes! So now we'll put those coats away until the ONE day we go look at the Christmas lights at the Mesa Temple! It's easier with little ones in AZ. You don't have to worry about a fat coat fitting in a carseat, adjusting the seat belts or snow melting in your car...but we do have crayons melting in the cars all summer long...hmm and winter too now that I think of it!

One of Reed's brother met us up there, and it was lots of fun for the kids to have cousins to play with. We never do much up there, just enjoy the cooler weather, the beautiful scenery, the peace and quiet...go to Walmart! We play cards, board games...and there is satelite TV, so it's not like we can't just do like at home, but for some reason, we all end up closer! The cabin is for sale, by the way (if you're interested, let me know) but we are all secretly hoping it doesn't sell too fast. It's been for sale for a couple of years by now, and with the market crash, it won't sell for a while longer. Selfishly, we're kinda happy, but we know my father-in-law wants to retire, so we kinda hope it does sell for them. It will be bitter sweet when it does sell. The land has been in the family for many years, it's hidden in the tree, very private and gorgeous...but the cabin and its acre it sits on are the only things left in the Inmans name by now, since after the grandparents passed away, the land was divided and the other sibblings sold theirs off. Too bad, I like traditions not to be broken, but you gotta do what'cha gotta do! And for now, we're enjoying every bit of that cabin.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Just a quick one

I know I've already posted today, but just a quick note. I'm catching up on reading your blogs and leaving comments so that you know I love reading your life and all, so here is what I have to say: gvinpg gppzwot gq0iuyy thiesves reestweve brewwazio nurrytozo craououyrou
I really DISLIKE copyin those letters before they publish a comment. I know it's for saftety reason, but dang it, I always have to do at least twice 'cauze I mess up one letter: hattie hadabab and I write hattie had a bag...nope, try again loser! Arghhhhhh! That's it, just a little vent before ninight ;)

Friday, October 17, 2008

Who did that???

This is my new clock: totally cool for our international family! It has 9 little clocks (needs 9 batteries too) from different places in the world. It was a Target end-of-isle special! So I haven't had time to look up what the time difference is between here and Bangkok, thus all the times are not set yet...and I'm missing one battery and it looks like some of my batteries aren't very fresh because all those times should have at least the same minutes!!! So cute little project...except that when I got home, I set the new clock on my table. Target has the bright idea of putting screws in the back of the box to hold the clock in its package. Add a screaming kid, my hands full of bags and I pushed the new clock on the table...AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!! MY TABLE! I love my table, it has a few LITTLE scratches, from kids pounding their silverware on the table to request food (always fun) or a dish or whatever. Now, it's really broken in. All the kids said "whoa, who did that"...ME! I know that although none of them said it (including Reed hubby), but all of them thought "gggggeeeezzze, I'm SOOO glad I didn't do it, 'coze I wouldn't have lived through it". And they're right. I would have killed whoever had dammage MY table so much. But now, I can only blame the only responsable party here for my scratch: yep, Target! I'm suing!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Tommy's teething

Nah, he's not really, but that has to be the ugliest and coolest pacifier I ever found!

But I must say that even with that ugly thing in his mouth, he's still a cuttie pie!

Even with a cold and a very tired face, I like him :) I just love it when a baby's picture is like that, because that makes me feel better when I see my pictures and know that if a cute baby can have a bad picture day, that so can I!

Yes, I had another one of those! I love what George Lopez says: I don't want to celebrate my birthday, that means I'm just one year closer to my death :)))

Nicky thought that the candle was to eat. He held onto it all the way home in the car. He couldn't wait to open it. He sat at the table and asked for help to have it open. I thought he was just excited to help me blow it out. But as soon as we opened the package, he took a big bite. You can see it on the 6! What a dissapointment! He spit it out quickly, but the cake was no disappoitment!

And by the way, I'm not 36, I stopped at 29, so I'm only celbrating the 7th birthday of my 29th birthday!

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

"some beach..."

You know that country song, when the singer is saying about bad stuff like going to the dentist and the dr starts to work on the tooth before it's asleep, then he says "some beach"...or when the guy in the Benz takes his parking spot...some beach.
Well, I sing that song a lot.
Today, Maddy was...hmmm, Maddy. I won't go into details, because I just don't want to relive it, but, ahhhh some beach!
Then poor Tomtom has a big cold, runny nose, more cranky...some beach!
Nicky asked 39 times for the sound to be "shut up"...which means "turned up" but that's how he says it, no matter how much we try to correct him... while WE were having dinner and he just ate pretzels for dinner...some beach!
Now here is my biggest beach request of the day. Again: MY blog, My vent...Here it goes.
The kids were at the park, and since Alex wasn't paying attention to Nicky very much, I decided that I'd better go hang out there too. When I got there, I saw Nicky, his soccer ball rolling away and a big German Shepperd going for the same ball as Nicky. I yelled "hey, who's dog is this?" Nicky got scared to death of that dog, being as big as him. The owner of the dog came and barked at me that it was his dog. I asked him to put his dog on a leash because first, it's the law and second, my kids are scared! Well, he told me not to start a neighborhood feud. I told him again that it was the law and that it wasn't safe. Even if his dog is his friend, it's not MY friend and I don't know what the dog's reaction will be to MY kids. He told me to go ahead and call the police, I said I would, and he said "yeah, it's 9-1-1 and why don't you have your husband come out and beat me up too" (the dude had a tank top and tatoos all over, like Reed is gonna come out and beat anybody up, that's so his style!!). Alex was hiding behind the slide, embarrassed I guess, but I was right and you know me, I wasn't gonna let it die quick. I stayed at the park, I was gonna leave right away, but then I thought :hey, it's my park too. His little girl came to me (and I know his wife, who's totally cool and puts the dog on a leash at the park, especially since she knows my kids are scared). She said "hi Mommy, can you put swing me". So I picked her up and pushed her on the swing. Now here comes the guy again, telling me to basically keep my hands of his kid, he can handle it. I was fuuuuuuuming. He never put his dog on a leash and just let it run in the park. Elly was up on the slide not daring to go near it. Nicky said "I skarwy dog". I finally unglued Nicky from the swing and told all the kids we were going home. I got home and did call the police. The lady on the phone was awesome: she said that I was ABSOLUTELY right, it is the law and he was ABSOLUTELY wrong. She asked me for his description, where the park was and where he lived. I didn't know where he lived excaclty; according to my girls: yeah, see so and so's house, well he's like on the other side, but not the side with the bushes, the other???? I wish I did know exactly, because I wanted the cops to come and knock on his door, darned!!!! I explained to the kids that what he did was wrong and that he was being mean to me. He was so rude: I'm a woman and he treated me like dirt. Thankgoodness Reed didn't come out at that time, the dude was an idiot. SOME BIG FREAKIN BEACH!!!!

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Home alone...warning for atheists: it's a churchy post!

This afternoon, we had our Relief Society Women's Conference. Our stake was meeting at 4:00 and the broadcast started at 5:00. For some reason, I just wanted to just watch it on TV this time. I think I needed to be alone for a while, so Reed took most of the kids shopping, one went to the movies. I was thinking that maybe I'd rather go shopping with them or even go by myself and skip the meeting. But my guilt/conscience took over and I put BYU channel on. The minute it started, I could feel the holy ghost impact me. Having no one next to me, I cried as much as I wanted and cranked up the sound for the rest hymn like it was a Bon Jovi concert. I sang my little heart out like a groupie too. I took notes, like in college (you can test me later, I'll pass for sure, I got 4 pages of notes) that forced me to pay super attention too. I don't know if I missed out on anything from the Stake, but today, I had a great experience by staying in front of the TV, with my snacks, crying like I was watching a chick flick. And who said that TV was bad! It all depends on what you chose to do with your life, and where you want to go.
Today, again, I was proud to be a woman, proud to be a sister, a daughter and a mother. I am empowered by the words I heard this afternoon, I am grateful for those amazing speakers, their love and strength. When President Uchtdorf got up, I felt so much love for that man. His German accent brought back many happy memories of our life in Munich too.
If you want to know more about their talk, will have it on their site shortly. Most of my blogger friends are LDS, but some aren't and these are the kind of posts that probably have them roll their eyes or wonder what language I speak ;) But I hope they still enjoy reading them, because they know my faith is part of who I am...and they love me for me, Molly-Mormon and all :)

PS: I'm a little freaked out now, it's dark, there is a storm outside, the wind is making my house rock....hmmm okay Reed, it was nice of you to take the kids out, but now's time to come home, me no likey dark! Geeze, I'm even gonna wait to post this just in case somebody reads it (as if anyone else but my friends read my blog) and will see that I'm alone, and find my address, and come and attack me. I just set the alarm on, potential rapist, so if you come to kill me, it will beep and I will give them the wrong password when they call to check on me, so they'll send the police over, so there (yeah, I'm ready for Halloween stories!!!)

Monday, September 22, 2008

A new season!

Today is the new season for a bunch of shows. I don't watch anything in particular anymore. I used to watch too many shows with too much blood. I realized that everyday, there was a show with murder, s...x, blood and horror: Medium, CSI, Law and Order SVU, and so forth. So we got Dishnetwork so that I can watch Paula Dean murder herself with high fat and high blood...pressure! But I did used to like Heros. I kinda got tired last season with all the new characters not going anywhere and not meeting anytime. I gave it a try tonight again. I am so lost! But that's how NBC gets you, you end up the episode saying "WHAT???" and then tonight, they played another episode right after. So I gave it another try and ended up at 10:00 pm saying "WHAT???" so I'll watch next week, like a big dummy until the season is over, and I still won't understand anything and I'll wait till the next season to start so that I can get just as lost, yikes! And that's how fast life goes, trying to understand the heros around me, not getting it but hoping to get it next time :)
On another note, life could be worse: check out that family!
Yep, 17 kids and she's expecting! and no, they're not mormon, I don't think